If you ever suffer from dental anxiety, which is an oral health condition that arises due to stress or anxiety from visiting your dentist, your doctor may prescribe a sedative for you. Within sedation dentistry, there are numerous forms of sedatives available to help calm and relax you for routine oral examinations up to complex oral surgeries.
if you’re interested in sedation dentistry it is important to determine which level sedation you need. The newest treatments available including gas sedation, digestive sedatives, intravenous sedatives, and other forms of deep sedation. Nitrous oxide can be given for a calming effect that tends to be the mildest form of sedation and can easily wear off quickly.
Oral sedation can be given up to an hour before procedures to Individuals who become drowsy enough they can potentially fall asleep. Dosages can be adjusted according to the level sedation necessary. For a fast-acting sedative, intravenous sedatives are injected directly into a patient’s veins. This method will allow the dentist to adjust the levels of sedation in real time. For the deepest level of sedation that puts a user into a deep state of unconsciousness, general anesthesia can be used. Patients tend to only wake up after the sedative has completely worn off.
To learn more about which sedation dentistry treatments you would prefer for enhancing your oral health care, contact New Age Dental at 951-360-0696. Come visit Dr. Joseph Rajabi and our team at our dentist office in Riverside, California by scheduling an appointment at your earliest opportunity.