Got Braces? Here Are Your Rules Regarding Foods and Beverages

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Braces are strong appliances that can shift and move the teeth. However, even though they are strong, things like eating the wrong foods and drinking the wrong beverages can affect the appliance as well as the entire smile. This can affect your orthodontic journey as a whole. So, our dentists, Dr. Joseph Rajabi and Dr. Reza Rajabi would like to remind you to follow the food and beverage rules set for treatment with braces. Those rules are:

-Don’t eat sticky and chewy foods (These foods cling to the teeth and promote tooth decay. They also engulf the brackets and pull them away from the surfaces of your teeth)

-Don’t chew gum (Chewing gum also pulls the brackets loose and promotes cavities)

-Don’t eat popcorn (Popcorn kernels tend to damage the wires in your appliance and they get stuck in areas where you can’t get them out)

-Don’t eat nuts, seeds or chunky peanut butter (These foods can force the wires out of alignment, which can affect your smile-transformation process)

-Don’t eat thick or crunchy foods (These foods can break the brackets or pull them loose, especially if you bite into them)

-Don’t eat corn on the cob (When you bite into things, you can pull the brackets off the teeth. It’s best to cut them into pieces and then pop them into the mouth)

-Don’t eat beef jerky (Tearing hard foods like jerky can damage the braces)

-Don’t drink soda (Soda can wear down the tooth enamel and cause cavities because it is typically full of sugar and acid)

To learn more about the rules set for braces in Riverside, California, please contact New Age Dental today at 951-360-0696. Our dental team will be more than happy to help you in any way we can, even if it’s just by answering your questions, so please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!