It is important to make sure that you take care of your smile every day. However, even if you do everything right, there is a chance that oral accidents and injuries can occur. if during these trying times you should lose a tooth, our team is here to ensure you receive the restorations your smile needs to get your oral... read more »
If you are in need of a cosmetic dentistry treatment design to quickly enhance your smile without covering up its natural look, look no further than dental bonding. Dental bonding treatments are highly effective tooth restoration procedures designed to correct the damage that has occurred to the surfaces of teeth. If you need a tooth repair, seeking out a tooth... read more »
A dental crown is commonly used to treat a case where the tooth’s enamel layer has been significantly affected. This might include a tooth that’s been compromised by a dental fracture, dental attrition, untreated cavity, or a significant cosmetic imperfection. Dental crowns are also used as the final phase of a root canal restoration. They are typically bonded to... read more »
Your regularly scheduled dental checkups at New Age Dental play an important role in cleaning away bacterial deposits from your teeth, while also identifying any early developing oral health conditions. This includes examining your mouth for signs of gum disease, oral cancer, or tooth decay. If a small cavity affects a tooth’s enamel layer, Drs. Rajabi and Rajabi might be... read more »
Do you want a top-notch oral hygiene routine? If so, good for you! Oral hygiene is very important if you want strong and healthy teeth and gums. It can help you in a myriad of ways, even by helping you have a better overall health. So, our dentist, Dr. Joseph Rajabi , would be happy to give you some advice... read more »
If you ever suffer from dental anxiety, which is an oral health condition that arises due to stress or anxiety from visiting your dentist, your doctor may prescribe a sedative for you. Within sedation dentistry, there are numerous forms of sedatives available to help calm and relax you for routine oral examinations up to complex oral surgeries. if you're interested... read more »
Ideally, you would like to have a dazzling, bright smile that lights up the room. But it is a fact of life that over time, your teeth can stain, and darken. There are two types of stains: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic stains work from the inside out.  They can come from things like too much fluoride in developing teeth, or... read more »
Do you have a list of treats you are aware of that you need to avoid this Halloween? If you have children or even if you like to consume sweets as an adult, it is important to make a list of all treats and sweets that can significantly damage your smile. Even though it's best to avoid all forms of... read more »
Did you lose a tooth in an accident? You’ve probably noticed the effects of its absence. Your tooth needs an excellent replacement as quickly as possible. But you don’t like how a removable artificial tooth may feel and dental implant surgery seems too invasive. No worries. Try a dental bridge. And what is that, exactly? Well, it may not be... read more »
When it comes to orthodontic treatment, it has traditionally been recommended between the ages of 11-15 to correct smile issues. But, it is not always possible to receive the orthodontic treatment needed during those early years, and more and more adults are now pursuing straightened smiles. Do you have issues with overcrowding, misalignment, crooked teeth, or excessive spaces in between... read more »