Your regularly scheduled dental checkups at New Age Dental play an important role in cleaning away bacterial deposits from your teeth, while also identifying any early developing oral health conditions. This includes examining your mouth for signs of gum disease, oral cancer, or tooth decay.
If a small cavity affects a tooth’s enamel layer, Drs. Rajabi and Rajabi might be able to repair it by removing the decayed material, and installing a basic dental filling.
If the area in need of treatment will appear in your smile, our dentists might use a composite dental filling. This is a special type of dental resin that can be easily shaded to perfectly match the surrounding tooth enamel. This will make the dental filling indistinguishable from the rest of healthy tooth.
Once our dentists have shaded and applied the composite material, they will use a special ultraviolet light to harden it. This will effectively bond the new dental filling to the adjacent tooth enamel, thus restoring the healthy function of the tooth.
Going forward, you might want to make a concerted effort to brush your teeth twice each day and remember to thoroughly floss between all your teeth, and along the gumline, as well as behind each of your rear molars. This can help reduce the presence of plaque acids in your mouth to further reduce your chances of suffering another cavity.
If you live in the Riverside, California, area and you have noticed a cavity on one of your teeth, you should call 951-360-0696 to have it examined and treated by the dental specialists at New Age Dental.