Consider a Dental Bridge

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Did you lose a tooth in an accident? You’ve probably noticed the effects of its absence. Your tooth needs an excellent replacement as quickly as possible. But you don’t like how a removable artificial tooth may feel and dental implant surgery seems too invasive. No worries. Try a dental bridge.

And what is that, exactly? Well, it may not be great enough to cross over water, but it’s rather ideal for bridging the gap in your mouth. You see, a dental bridge comprises two crowns and an artificial tooth called a pontic. The crowns fit over the teeth adjoining the gap in your mouth, anchoring the pontic in the middle.

Dental bridges will mend the gap in your smile, your ability to chew efficiently or speak plainly, will aid in conserving the shape of your face, distribute the forces of your bite correctly, and prevent other teeth from shifting out of position. They can last anywhere from five to ten years or even longer with high-quality oral care. You can care for your bridge in the same way that you care for your natural teeth – by brushing twice a day and flossing every night.

If you want to get a dental bridge in Riverside, California, simply phone New Age Dental at 951-360-0696 for an appointment with Dr. Joseph Rajabi . Let our team help you get your best smile today!