Are you self-conscious because of your missing teeth? Do you find that it’s harder to eat and speak as well? Are you just not into dentures? Try dental implants instead.
A dental implant looks and functions exactly like your normal teeth. It consists of a crown which is attached to a titanium post which is implanted into your jaw.
Over time, the titanium integrates with the surrounding tissue, tightening its hold in your jaw to ensure that your implant can last a lifetime. This tightening process is called osseointegration, which means “combines with the bone.” This is just one of the reasons why dental implants are among the largest advances in dentistry in the past 40 years.
The dental implant can be customized to the exact specifications of your mouth – in size, shape, color and form.
Remember that it’s important to take care of your missing teeth soon. Otherwise your bite pattern can actually shift out of alignment over time and your jaw may weaken, creating a sunken appearance in your face and decreasing your abilities to use your jaw properly.
If you are interested in getting an implant, talk with Dr. Joseph Rajabi . You can schedule a consultation with New Age Dental in Riverside, California at 951-360-0696. We’re here to serve you and your smile!